Membership Functional 4
Our 4 month option starts with a 30 minute appointment to discuss and finalise your personalised programme with you. The programme then moves on to 3 x30 minute appointments with a Nutritional Team Member and 4x20 minutes Health Coaching sessions on a fortnightly basis. This option is suitable for our shorter programmes: Gut, Blood Sugar, Thyroid or general Nutrition focus. Appointment prep time is included in the package. Finally, as part of your LCNH membership you have access to a once a month open Q&A with Louise Carder on a Monday lunchtime, typically the first Monday of the month unless otherwise advertised.
About Your Initial Intake Appointment
We start with a 30 minute intake appointment, after which we review your key symptoms, concerns, and goals. There will then be a chance to discuss next step options if you want to become a full client.
You will then have the option to:
Move straight on to one of our programmes. These can be purchased via our website
Undertake pertinent laboratory testing
Book a full ‘functional’ appraisal of your health history via the Health Discovery Appointment. This is ideal for more complex or chronic cases, such as those with with concerns about CIRS, Chronic fatigue/ME/Fibromyalgia, Auto-immunity, Cognitive challenges
Continue with ad hoc appointments
What happens next?
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5